Jumping into the water is fun no matter what time of the year, but it is especially enjoyable during the hot summer months. You might find yourself wondering, whether swimming really burns as many calories as people say. Sure, you find yourself pretty worn out after chasing the kids around the pool for a few hours, but that could just be keeping up with them in a higher-stress environment–and you cannot wear most fitness trackers in the pool to track your calorie burn. Whether you are looking for mommy and me swim classes or looking for private swimming lessons for an adult, here is the good news: you are definitely going to be burning those calories when you are in the pool.
Just How Many Calories?
How many calories you burn while swimming will depend on a variety of factors. Keep in mind that if you are doing it for a workout, you will need to keep a fairly consistent workout pace over a reasonable length of time: just jumping into the pool and hanging out isn’t going to do much for you. Active swimming, on the other hand, can have some great benefits. You have two key criteria that will help determine that all-important calorie burn: how much you weigh and what stroke you are doing.
Assuming that you are swimming freestyle, you are going to burn an average of between 590-931 calories per hour for a hard, fast-paced workout and 413-651 calories for a slower pace.
If you really want a swimming workout that will burn a ton of calories during your swimming lessons in Woodbridge, New Jersey, try the butterfly stroke. A 130-lb individual will burn 649 calories per hour with this stroke, while a person weighing in at 205 will burn as much as 1,024 calories per hour.
The Other Benefits of Swimming Workouts
Swimming workouts have the advantage of burning a lot of calories, but that is certainly not the only thing they can do for you! It is also a resistance workout as you move each of your limbs through the water–and as an added bonus, it is easier on your entire body! That means that you are getting a great cardio workout while toning your entire body. You will discover that swimming has the power to make you leaner, stronger, and happier with your entire body.
Getting Started
If you are ready to dive into the pool and learn what a great workout swimming can be, do not just assume that you will be able to immediately hit that hour-long swim time. Many people find it difficult to tackle pool workouts at first, since your body moves quite differently from the way it does on land. Instead, give yourself permission to start small. Want to push yourself harder? Private swim lessons–both for adults and kids–are a great way to overcome obstacles, tackle personal fears, and discover just how much your body is able to accomplish under the guidance of a qualified instructor.