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Swim meets are the ultimate place to test out your skills in the company of other swimmers. Although swimming classes prepare you for meets by giving you professional instruction for improving your strokes, proper preparation plays a vital role in how well you swim on the big day. As you get ready for the next swim meet, use these tips to prepare so that you compete with your best performance.
Practice Your Swim Strokes
In your swimming lessons, instructors focus on teaching you the proper way to perform the strokes that you will use during the meet. In the weeks leading up to the meet, make sure to practice your swimming strokes as often as possible. However, be sure to avoid overtraining the day before the meet because you do not want to be sore. If you do practice swimming the day before the meet, make sure to cool down properly.
Prep Your Gear in Advance
The last thing you need to be doing on the day of your swim meet is to be searching for your goggles. On the night before your meet, gather the gear that you need to take. Make sure to include all of the essentials such as your swim cap, water bottle and suit. If you will be competing outside, then remember to bring your sunscreen. Being prepared ahead of time helps you avoid the stress of a last minute scramble to find your things, and it sets your mind for success.
Get Proper Sleep
The excitement of an upcoming meet may make it hard to sleep, but proper rest is essential for your best performance. Make sure to go to bed early on the night before your meet. Practice a proper sleep routine by shutting off your electronics and darkening your room as much as possible.
Show Up Early
When your meet is in an unfamiliar place, it is important to arrive early enough that you can get a view of the layout. Once you arrive, walk around the facility and check out the pool. Take note of where the starting blocks are along with where your team will sit, so you feel more comfortable when it comes time to compete.
Develop a Routine
During your private swimming lessons, competitive swimmers have the opportunity to work with their swim instructor to learn techniques that help during competitions. For instance, you may develop a routine that includes specific stretches to do just before you race. You may also spend time visualizing yourself going through the actual motions of each stroke as though you were engaged in a competition. Creating a routine helps many of the most critical steps of swimming come automatically when your mind is actively engaged in the competition.
Once you have advanced beyond the most basic skills of swimming, you will be ready to head to your first meet. By knowing how to prepare properly, you can look forward to showing up at the swimming facility with everything you need to swim at your best capacity.