Swimming pools offer plenty of family fun, but it’s important that everyone follows the proper safety precautions. The best time to teach your family how to be safe in the pool is before they enter. Once they’re in the water, the excitement will take over, making it more difficult to learn essential safety precautions.
Below you’ll find the most important safety tips to keep in mind before you step into the pool. By following these practices from the start, you can maintain a safe environment whether you’re swimming at home, taking lessons or visiting the public pool.
Never leave a child unattended near water, even for a second. It takes just 30 seconds for a child to drown, and they usually do so quietly. To ensure you don’t have to leave your child unattended, make sure you have everything you need before getting into the pool – towels, sunscreen, first aid kit, phone, etc.
One of the best ways to keep everyone safe is by making sure they can swim. Sign your child up for swimming lessons when they’re young – this makes it easier for them to develop strong swimming skills from the start. Choose a program from Into the Swim – we have small class sizes so that your child can receive individualized attention.
If you spend a lot of time swimming, it’s a good idea to know CPR. Bystanders are often the first ones to a drowning victim, so you can save lives by knowing how to perform CPR. One of these lives could be your child’s. CPR classes are available through park districts, community centers and hospitals.
Talk to swimmers about staying away from drains and suction outlets. They can be powerful enough to suck adults down. Also, make sure there are no loose, broken or missing drain covers. When these covers are not properly protected, things can get pulled down and stuck in them – bathing suits, jewelry, hair, etc.
Pool toys are fun – but they’re simply that. Do not rely on pool noodles, water wings, float tubes and other similar items to keep children safe. If your child cannot swim, make sure you fit them with a US Coast Guard approved life jacket. But this still does not take the place of your careful attendance.
Remind swimmers of how they should behave in the pool. Things like tossing kids into water, holding people down or playing near drains can lead to serious injuries or drowning. Review your safety rules so that everyone knows what’s okay and what’s not. When you start these healthy habits early on, they’ll be ingrained in your family.
Swimming allows people of all ages to have fun, burn calories and socialize with others. But swimming pools can be dangerous, so it’s important to maintain a safe environment. To sign your child up for swim lessons and turn them into a safe, confident swimmer, contact Into the Swim today.